Instatus - Issues accessing the API, dashboard, and private pages – Podrobnosti o dogodku

Vsi sistemi delujejo brez napak

Issues accessing the API, dashboard, and private pages

Večji izpad delovanja
Začetek pred več kot 2 letomaTrajalo približno 4 ure

Prizadete storitve

Private status pages

Večji izpad delovanja od 5:00 PM do 9:10 PM


Večji izpad delovanja od 5:00 PM do 9:10 PM


Večji izpad delovanja od 5:00 PM do 9:10 PM


Večji izpad delovanja od 5:00 PM do 9:10 PM


Večji izpad delovanja od 5:00 PM do 9:10 PM


Večji izpad delovanja od 5:00 PM do 9:10 PM

  • Odpravljeno

    We managed to restore the vast majority of data up until 4 hours before the incident. Currently working on restore the remaining 4 hours.

  • Napaka odkrita
    Napaka odkrita

    For the past hours, we experienced issues accessing your dashboard, API & private pages.

    This was caused by an accidental deletion of our data. We managed to restore the vast majority of data up until 4 hours before the incident. Currently working on restore the remaining 4 hours.