Instatus - Issues with Maintenance Automations – Detalji prekida

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Issues with Maintenance Automations

Delimičan prekid rada
Početo over 2 years agoТрајало 1 day


Maintenance Automations

Delimičan prekid rada undefined 7:26 PM do 1:04 AM

  • Rešeno

    Maintenance automations issue is now resolved! Thank you for you patience.

  • Nadgledanje

    We fixed this issue and monitoring the results! We also moved to a more resilient way of doing these automations it in the future. Thank you for your patience!

  • Identifikovano

    We're currently facing issues with automatic scheduled maintenance starts, completes and reminders not triggering correctly. We recommend not using them until we fix that issue. We're working on it and we'll send you an update once it's fixed!