Instatus - RSS & Atom feeds are inaccessible – تفاصيل الحادثة

جميع الأنظمة جاهزة للعمل

RSS & Atom feeds are inaccessible

تم الحل
انقطاع كبير
بدأ في منذ 4 سنوات تقريباًاستمر يومان



انقطاع كبير من 11:27 PM ألى 7:39 PM

RSS & Atom

انقطاع كبير من 11:27 PM ألى 7:39 PM

  • تم الحل
    تم الحل

    Issue is resolved now 🔥

    Sorry that it took a long time to resolve.

  • المراقبة

    It seems that RSS & Atom feeds are working fine now for all pages. Will resolve the issue once Vercel sends me an update.

  • محدد

    Our hosting provider (Vercel) has identified the problem and are aiming to release a fix later today.

    Sorry for this issue taking too long.

  • تحقيق

    We’re currently investigating this issue.